The Soli Bula Kickstarter was successful! We’ve raised $15,785.88FJD in total to pay for the artists who will be working on the animated short film. This is a pretty big moment for us and we are so humbled by your love and support.
I’d like to say a big vinaka vakalevu to everyone who backed and shared the Fundraising Drive either through Kickstarter itself or via Cash Donations, which enabled us to get here, and for joining in the various fundraising activities to get the Kickstarter more visibility, such as the Kere Art Live stream and the Twitter Space Jam. Also a special vinaka to Neisau Tuidraki for hosting the Kickstarter account in Australia enabling us to access the money, as well as playing host on many of our fundraising activities.
Now, the actual work begins!
Well actually we’ll relax because it’s the weekend, but next week we’ll start the process of:
(a) working with Neisau to get the money here
(b) figuring out how we’ll do the Pre-Production planning part together, since we have a 2nd COVID outbreak and meeting up physically will be challenging to say the least. In the ‘Risks’ section of the Kickstarter write up, I had confidentially stated that working together physically will be possible because Fiji was, then, safe from COVID. Oh well.
I’d also like to introduce 2 additional people I’m bringing on to the project to complete the team:
Clarence Dass: In Pre-Production and Production, he’ll be handling the 2D Background art, so that Tui doesn’t have to stress/think about it.
Verdine Lee Tuqota: She’ll be the Colourist, handling overall colour corrections and final colour look in Post-Production.
Once again, thanks everyone for coming on to the project and believing in us. Your support means that we can get moving on creating a fully animated, Fijian indigenous short film, in Fiji.
If you’re one of the backers, great! You’re automatically signed up to the Soli Bula Production Newsletter. If you’re new to this and want to stay up to date with how the film is progressing, check out the website or follow us on Social Media:
Stay tuned!
Meli Tuqota Jr